“Feldenkrais is not just pushing muscles around, but changing things in the brain itself.” – Karl Pribram, M.D., Neuro-Scientist
Feldenkrais® Private Sessions
Functional Integration® Sessions are tailored by you and the Feldenkrais Practitioner to address your specific, personal needs. These are gentle, hands on sessions during which you are guided through subtle movement sequences while you lie fully clothed on a low, comfortable table.
The movements are designed to access the deepest connections of neurological habituation; to detect the interconnections within the body that are inefficient, restrictive, and often painful – and to release and change them. Through extensive training, Feldenkrais practitioners have developed the sensitivity to communicate with your body in a gentle and non-invasive way which makes each session both comfortable and beneficial. Because the work is integrated into a whole body experience, the changes it brings about are fundamental and long lasting.
To book or inquire about online Awareness through Movement or in person Functional Integration lessons please email abigail@feldenkraiscentre.com