“…What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible minds. What I’m after is to restore each person to their human dignity.” – Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc.
Waist Management

Date(s) - 26/01/2020
1:00 pm-4:30 pm
Better Life Studios
A unique Feldenkrais® approach for achieving strong, balanced abs
Abdominal crunches and sit ups are an often overused and unsafe core exercise. People think doing hundreds of these will get them a flat stomach. In fact, it has been shown that crunches are unsafe, and not as efficient as other exercises to work the abdominal wall.
In this guided Feldenkrais workshop you will learn how to:
• Discover safe, appropriate strengthening and lengthening of abdominal muscles
• Separate fact from fiction about six-pack abs
• Build strength, stability and balance in our core
• Enhance the breathing/belly connection
• Develop greater support for back, hips and pelvis
• Improve overall posture
• Separate fact from fiction about six-pack abs
• Build strength, stability and balance in our core
• Enhance the breathing/belly connection
• Develop greater support for back, hips and pelvis
• Improve overall posture
Sunday January 26th, 2020
1:00 – 4:30
Instructor: Abigail Kelly
Workshop Location:
Better Life Studios
390 Dupont St.
Ste. 201
Toronto, Ontario
M5R 1V9
Cancellation Policy:
- A full refund of the registration fee will be issued if cancellation notice is received and confirmed a minimum of 2 weeks before a workshop.
- Cancellation between 2 weeks and 1 week in advance of the workshop will receive a credit towards a future workshop.
- No refund of credit is available for cancellations received less than 7 days in prior to the workshop.
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